Chapatti laddus is a yummy dessert made with leftover chapatis made sweet with jaggery an...
It is a fried snack that can be prepared in two different flavors sweet and salty (khara...
Andhra Chicken curry is a popular delicacy all over South India and Southeast Asia.Indian...
Cheese stuffed onion pakoda is extremely a creative snack made with a mix of chickpea flo...
These nachos are a cinch to make. Layering the chips and cheese ensures that every chip h...
Oats cooked with vegetables is one of the best ways to consume oats. Oats are good for h...
These cheese packed corn and potato tikkis are a delight to bite. Crispy outer surface of the tikkis give way to a soft inside. Every bite of these tikkis is an experience to savour.
About Recipe
Bangaldumpa vepudu, Uralaikilangu varuval, Aloo Bhaja |
Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Thu May 07 2015
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