Handi Sabzi tastes amazingly delicious and pairs as an excellent combination to serve wit...
Thotakura pulusu is an amazing dish that tastes tangy, spicy, sweet and a natural earthy ...
Keema/ Kheema/ Qeema Matar: Mince meat of lamb cooked with peas, you can substitute it wi...
Mix fruits korma or Phaldari korma is a brilliant mix of fruits cooked in a silky and aro...
This is a quick and easy recipe that never fails. The chicken stays moist and tender thro...
The spiny gourd is a seasonal vegetable popular in the state of Rajasthan, especially dur...
Aatukal curry is made of lamb or goat's leg often referred to people having a cold or flu. It is also helpful to increase bone strength, heal wounds, cure the mineral deficiency.
Kaala Charu a easy digestible recipe seasoned with little spices and preferred as a side dish with rice or roti.
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