Onion Pakoda is a deep fried batter snack made of gram flour (besan), other spices and on...
Its heaven to have horse gram and dill leaves vada during winter or rainy season along w...
Healthy cutlets is a kids easy snacks, appetizer recipes. It is made using vegetables and...
A very popular aloo chaat found in Delhi which is a famous mouth-watering street food wit...
This is a brilliant recipe for kids turning the humble potato into delicious homemade wed...
Rainbow salad is a color full salad made with a combination of vegetables, fruits, which ...
Shrimp Fry is a crispy, succulent deep-fried shrimp covered in a light tempura-like batter flavored with coconut.
I like prawn and can eat as often as possible without getting tried of it. Usually I cook the prawn in a dry saute style or biryani. Tried a slightly different version of prawn fry this time around and am pleased with the end result.
About Recipe
Royallu vepudu, Eral varuval, Chingri Bhaja |
vahuser Posted on Fri Dec 19 2008
I tried this first time today for a potluck event and i am really embrassed with the praises i got :-). What i like most with your recipees are they are very simple to make. Thank you a lot for sharing these delicious recipe's with us.
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vahuser Posted on Sat Jan 10 2009
i made your shrimp but i hated it
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