Surprise your kids with this crispy, spicy and delicious vadas stuffed in-between soft br...
To brew a great cup of tea Infused with basil and lemon, this is a drinkable recipe taste...
Nuvvula Laddu recipe or Nuvvula Unda is an easy to make sweet recipe using sesame seeds a...
The spiciest of the pickles and a unique andhra item too. It is made by grinding ripe red...
This is a very easy and healthy dosa prepared with just 2 main ingredients chickpea flour...
This is a very healthy roti, made with rice flour and maida, serve it with chutney. ...
These crostini would make a delicious start to a dinner party try to use a mixture of wild and cultivated mushrooms.
About Recipe
Kukka godugu, Kalaan, |