These bombay rava roti's are super soft and very tasty, its best served for breakfast or ...
Methi poori is a delicious deep fried Indian bread, which is prepared from whole wheat fl...
Methi paratha is a quick, healthy and flavorful Indian breakfast. In methi paratha recipe...
A bread roll is a piece of bread, usually small and round and is commonly considered a si...
Parathas are flatbread with some kind of filling inside, it can be a dal (lentil) or a ve...
Stuffed Indian Paratha from Bihari cuisine, stuffed with roasted and powdered gram(sattu)...
A great way to use up left-over rice or pulao and create an altogether new recipe. These parathas are very common in Gujarati homes, where the rice left-over from dinner is seasoned further, stuffed into parathas and served for breakfast or lunch the following day. These parathas can be served with Methambo or Quick Mango Chunda.
About Recipe
Biyyam, Pachaarisi, Atap chawal |