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Suji biscuit is a delicious soft, melt in your mouth biscuits.
This soft, melt-in-your-mouth biscuits is really easy to produce and my family's preferred. These semolina cookies certainly are a delightful treat to offer with coffee or tea. These biscuits are extremely simple to make and remain fresh for a lot of weeks when kept in an airtight jar.
There are lots of quality recipes on suji (semolina) biscuits as well as its versions. So here is my form of making Suji or Semolina biscuits. Thi... Read More..
About Recipe
Bombai Rawa methai, Ravai inippu, Sooji Misti |
This soft, melt-in-your-mouth biscuits is really easy to produce and my family's preferred. These semolina cookies certainly are a delightful treat to offer with coffee or tea. These biscuits are extremely simple to make and remain fresh for a lot of weeks when kept in an airtight jar.
There are lots of quality recipes on suji (semolina) biscuits as well as its versions. So here is my form of making Suji or Semolina biscuits. This is actually the simple recipe, some would try more elegant like including cashew flour or custard powder and all. Mine’s the easy variation however it worked. I liked the flavour and feel of it a lot. Hope you will give this a attempt to and tell me how it turns out for you..
Suji Cookies is nicely buttery and somewhat crunchy biscuit. Made from clarified butter (ghee), flour and baking soda, it's very easy to make. The only time required is rolling them into small balls. If you'd like softer cookies shorten your baking time and they'll stay white even after baking. Go ahead and roll these to your required size but put them One in separate because they will increase a while cooking.
Health benefit of Rava (Semolina):
Semolina consists of durum wheat this means it helps to keep you full a bit longer of time and prevents from overeating. In other words, you'll be able to lose excess weight in a shorter time. It has phosphorus, zinc and magnesium that is essential for the maintenance of the good nervous system. Semolina also includes selenium in abundance which prevents infections and strengthens the immune system too. It includes sufficient quantity of iron and that is needed for the body. Eating a diet that is loaded with iron boosts blood circulation, generate more energy for your day-to-day functioning.
Mission achieved. I wrote down each and every small detail I possibly could so you would not fail in case you implemented my recipe. Nevertheless, I must tell you that various kinds of oven might produce different results. simply take the safety measure to lessen the temp very first if you're not sure. Far better to have undercooked biscuits that may still be recovered than burnt cookies right?
Lakshmi Sudheendra Posted on Mon Aug 24 2015
please can you show us how to make spicy biscuits bakery style?
Reply 0 - Repliesrinazzz03333 Posted on Wed Dec 16 2015
it would be better if you add cup measurements.?
Reply 0 - Replies
Eworld Cooking Posted on Tue Jan 08 2019
Nice taste and looking awesome E-World Cooking
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