Chicken dosa is proper breakfast for non vegetarian lovers which is topped with chicken a...
A simplified cabbage roll recipe, made here with ground chicken is tasty, easy. It can be...
A great way to use up leftover rice, this quick fried rice cooks up with frozen peas, bab...
This is a simple breakfast recipe prepared with leftover rice....
A delicious and hearty omelette, which is perfect for breakfast or brunch....
A delicious sweet dish with lots of orange flavor and apricot taste. ...
These crunchy rounds are very easy to make with minimal ingredients. Learn the recipe of Thekua by vahchef.
Thekua or Khajuria or Thikari is a dry sweet, very popular in Bihar, Jharkhand and eastern Uttar Pradesh. Thekua is a revered prasad in the Chhath puja. It has been used as a sweet snack for centuries in these places.
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