Put the vada inside the bun and serve with fried green chili. Vada pav contains all blend...
Lapsi halwa is a popular sweet from the Rajasthani cuisine, Lapsi is a sweet halwa made f...
Yam cooked with tamarind pulusu is a nice tangy dish made with Elephant yam cooked in t...
Raw papaya salad is most popular dish among women in Thailand and it is very healthy and ...
Dahi bhindi or dahi wali bhindi is rich, creamy okra is best to serve with roti or butter...
Kadala is a coconut based kala chana (black chickpeas) curry that is rich in protein and ...
Ulta tawa literally translated means inverted griddle. This nawabi paratha is cooked on an inverted tawa which resembles a kadai. It makes an awesome combination with any kebab.
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