Chapatti laddus is a yummy dessert made with leftover chapatis made sweet with jaggery an...
It is a fried snack that can be prepared in two different flavors sweet and salty (khara...
Andhra Chicken curry is a popular delicacy all over South India and Southeast Asia.Indian...
These nachos are a cinch to make. Layering the chips and cheese ensures that every chip h...
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This is a very famous maharashtrian snack , ate during any festive occasions .
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Wed May 19 2010
Nice recipe. We all lovr Bhakarwadi but never tried. Will try this n tell u.
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vahuser Posted on Fri Nov 26 2010
I just love Bakarwadi...we don't get it here. So I am eagerly waiting to watch its video so that it will be easy for me to prepare.
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