A classic dish from the state of Karnataka made to combination of rice, toor dal, vegetab...
It’s a very simple south Indian preparation with crunchy bites with spring onions and the...
A great way to use up leftover rice, this quick fried rice cooks up with green peas and s...
Dalimbi Bhat is a traditional, very delicious Maharashtrian delicacy made with field bean...
Spicy Pulao with stir fry Brinjals is an amazing rice dish preparation commonly known as ...
This is a tangy and yummy rice recipe prepared especially in summer season....
Coastal egg pulav is a special egg pulav where boiled eggs are fried and served along with a flavorful pulav rice. Its a must try for a tasty coastal country side pulav.
Egg Fried Rice is a favorite Indo-chinese food at Mumbai as well as other places in India. It is a great hit with kids as well as fantastic for those who are not attracted to chicken. This is fast, simple and balanced recipe.
Egg fried rice is a tremendous food, easy to cook along with a very yummy and healthy dish. It's a full meal by itself.
Egg fried rice is another quite popular dish accessible... Read More..
About Recipe
Gruddu annam, Muttai sooru, Deem chal |
Egg Fried Rice is a favorite Indo-chinese food at Mumbai as well as other places in India. It is a great hit with kids as well as fantastic for those who are not attracted to chicken. This is fast, simple and balanced recipe.
Egg fried rice is a tremendous food, easy to cook along with a very yummy and healthy dish. It's a full meal by itself.
Egg fried rice is another quite popular dish accessible in many food stalls particularly the Indo Chinese food stalls. Besides egg you may also include veggies like French beans, carrots and spring onions to the egg fried rice so it will be healthier along with a balanced meal.
Egg-fried rice is quick to make and tastes wonderful as a meal. For top outcome, ensure the rice is cooked and cooled in advance so it will not stick with each other when frying. To make any fried rice the rice must be cooked to the correct consistency. Needs to be grainy instead of overcooked or tacky. Egg fried rice may also be made with the leftover rice but don't forget that the grains should be separated and firm. It is life-saver recipe when you have guests in your house with no prior information or whenever you feel as if having something different than the daily routine or may also be made during hectic weeknights and so on.
Egg fried rice is a typical staple food in American Chinese delicacies. Made in the home, egg fried rice is remarkably fast and simple. Once you get your hands on the fundamental egg fried rice then you can definitely customize this recipe with the addition of more fresh vegetables, pork, or chicken. Including meat to egg fried rice will make it an enjoyable main course additionally, you can choose to eat it by itself for a stuffing side dish. In any case, egg fried rice is a dish truly worth preparing because it's a widespread crowd pleaser.
You may make many different recipes with eggs like egg biryani, egg curry, egg pickle and much more in the collection. Egg puff is also one of the preferred snacks accessible in a lot of the bakeries and school/ college canteens and loved by a lot of the kids. Eggs are comparatively low-cost, possess a lengthy freezer shelf-life and yummy to taste. Egg Omelets is a type of dish available at numerous railway platforms and canteens and cooked worldwide. An extremely cost-effective snack to enjoy which goes properly with bread slices, roti or chapatti.
Eggs have high nutrients and a very good quality of protein. They're only 70 to 80 calories each, and aren't rich in fat. People and kids probably enjoy eating eggs and is among the most frequent food in the breakfast. The egg fried rice boosts a feeling of fullness.
Eggs are a good way to obtain protein. Several vitamins, such as vitamin A, potassium and many B vitamins like folic acid, choline and biotin, are also loaded into egg. In reality, the yolk is which most of the nutrients and vitamins are found. Doctors advise that cholesterol isn't good to health but one should realize that the body must acquire a balance in terms of intake of cholesterol. Fat from healthy sources is essential to the body, while fat from bad options, for example margarine or foods fried in vegetable oil, are extremely harmful. Eggs are an effective way to obtain healthy fat. Numerous nutrients, such as vitamin A, be more effective absorbed with fat, making eggs an excellent way to obtain vitamin A.
Crystal IslandGirl Posted on Thu Aug 28 2014
Looks good. I enjoy watching your recipes but most times the ingredients are not found in my country. ?
Reply 0 - Repliessaggitbow Posted on Thu Aug 28 2014
good and gudu :-) thanks chef. You are the best.?
Reply 0 - RepliesJoy James Posted on Thu Aug 28 2014
Will definitely try making this on my day off but I did not know you can cook yogurt like that. ?
Reply 0 - Replies3rsurrender Posted on Thu Aug 28 2014
i love that small blender. where did you get it chef??
Reply 0 - Repliesup4atgal Posted on Sat Aug 30 2014
This is such a nice vege dish that you can give people who do not eat meat?
Reply 0 - RepliesBhanu Sree Posted on Fri Jan 02 2015
i tried this... really its very very delicious... liked this dish soooooo much :)?
Reply 0 - RepliesPreethi Jothish Posted on Sun Mar 15 2015
Thanks for the recipe chef. You are a boon for the foodies!!!!?
Reply 0 - RepliesVivek Aryan Posted on Wed Aug 26 2015
can I substitute cashew nuts for poppy seeds?Coz they aren't available in my country..?
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houndjog Posted on Thu Aug 28 2014
Thank you so much! I am very inspired now to try this recipe! You are a great motivator!?
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