Ridge gourd & fenugreek leaves curry is an excellent side dish....
Coconut chutney is a simple dish made with coconut, garlic, green chillies and spices. Th...
This traditional Sindhi recipe is a good combination of leafy vegetables with dal which p...
This kurkuri bhindi recipe is one of the easiest Indian starters recipes to follow that i...
This simple and spicy egg curry is an excellent in taste and served with roti, pulka or r...
Crab Masala Fry is a fragrant medley of spices and aromatics. Its spicy punch is set off ...
Create a tasty and healthy way to enjoy what you catch. Learn the recipe of Fish brown sauce by vahchef.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Wed Aug 05 2009
This is a wonderful recipe that I have made myself. Indian cooks should note the frying of the maida flour in oil to create a very unique tadka. It goes from light brown to golden brown to dark brown to brick red (for certain dishes the flour is
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