Peppery Plantain is a fantastic and healthy side dish made combining raw green plantain a...
Punjabi kadi pakodi is a popular dish from the Punjabi cuisine where pakoras are made and...
This classic Soya Sauce Chicken fry with field beans is a delicious meal the whole family...
Mashed gobi is a simple to make and served with any continental dishes. This combination ...
Aloo tikka masala is a delicious Indian recipe served as a side dish and it is very spicy...
Cabbage pathrode is sweet, tangy, fiery chili spicy all at the same time along with coria...
Bottle gourd peanut in tangy gravy has spicy flavors from dry red chilies and tangy flavor from the tomatoes and tamarind. This can be served for rice or roti
About Recipe
Ramanathan Posted on Wed Dec 04 2019
Just Superb. I could try only today. Awesome. It has come out well with nice taste and aroma. Even people in my house who don't take Bottle Gourd generally, appreciated this dish asking for more. Thanks a lot.
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