Oil Free Bottle Gourd Lentils Powder Curry is a recipe which is common at many north Indi...
Crispy and delicious bitter gourd masala vadas recipe is the best way to include the good...
Pesara aloo bonda is one of the popular snack in South Indian served in the evening time....
Moong dal ka bhajiya is a snack recipe. When you don't want to have something as heavy as...
This is a healthy Sambhar is made with minimal oil and loads of vegetables. You can enj...
UlavaCharu is a traditional Andhra Rasam. Its a thick horse gram lentil soup and is gener...
Green moong and bottle gourd muttiyas is a veg bottle gourd cutlet recipe . It can be enjoyed with green chutney or even without it.
About Recipe
Sorakaya Anapa Kaya vepudu, Sorekai Chorakkai varuval, ?Lau Bhaja |
Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Sat Mar 21 2015
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