Pumpkin Coconut curry is an amazing dish; pumpkin cooked in a yummy fresh grated coconut,...
Cooked raw mango pieces simmered in a sweet and spicy coconut sauce. Kairas is a combinat...
Aloo baingan (potato and eggplant) is a great main dish. It's easy to make and can be ser...
This is traditional of bengali fish recipe Aam Shol or Murrel fish with Green Mango....
Dal pakwan can be had for breakfast or snack which is easy to prepare. This can be had wi...
Green papaya has a very mild, almost bland taste, but it is the medium through which robu...
Kheema mutti is an excellent gravy curry item made with lamb meat, mince and spices combined together and made into balls.
About Recipe
Ulavalu koora, Kollu Kuzhambu, Kulthi kalai torkari |
ConcreteRiver Posted on Mon Oct 05 2015
Dear Mrs Chef, please try to limit recipe cooking with meat and fish and focus more on vegetarian meal, which is of the tradition in your Indian culture?
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Farah Jamalii Posted on Sun Oct 04 2015
omgggg you so like depikaa ?????
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