Chicken biryani cooked in the pukhi style of cooking the rice and chicken separately and ...
Orange chicken is an American Chinese dish. This chicken is tangy and flavorful. Orange c...
Curry Biryani is a brilliant rice preparation dish made with chicken cooked in a spicy, f...
Satay peanut sauce in a blend of peanut crushed and added with shrimp paste spiced with c...
Highly flavored chicken recipe with pepper and mint goes well in the winter season. This ...
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Chicken paratha is a delicious and easy breakfast recipe you can prepare with leftover chicken. This paratha is a treat for non-vegetarians.
A paratha is a flatbread that came from the Indian Subcontinent. Parathas are well-known morning meal which are heavy and flaky made using unleavened flour, pan fried and quite often offered hot using a dollop of butter, various curry, chutney or raita.
Paratha is quite preferred north Indian breads that's prepared in the majority of north Indian homes, restaurants and dhabas. Paratha is usually the primary morning meal specifically in North India and primarily in the state of Punjab. Every home in north India has its own method of preparing the paratha using various stuffing and spices. These breads differ from area to area highlighting the variety of Indian cult... Read More..
About Recipe
Paratha is quite preferred north Indian breads that's prepared in the majority of north Indian homes, restaurants and dhabas. Paratha is usually the primary morning meal specifically in North India and primarily in the state of Punjab. Every home in north India has its own method of preparing the paratha using various stuffing and spices. These breads differ from area to area highlighting the variety of Indian culture and food habits.
Parathas are frequently filled with various veggies, green leafy vegetable, lentils, paneer (Indian Cheese Cottage) or mince meat. There are many versions of stuffed parathas including Aloo Paratha, Gobi Paratha or Keema Paratha and many others
In case you are having parathas in Punjab then do not be amused if you find people drinking a tall glass of lassi together with the paratha. A good stuffed paratha is quite heavy which is sufficient meal alone and you will probably feel like having a good sleep after having 2 or 3 parathas in Punjab where they're cooked with ghee and offered with lot of butter and lassi.
kealny Tahir Posted on Wed Jun 08 2016
waree good rasepi ?????????????????
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