Nutritious kabab is a vegetable kabab recipe with boiled kabuli chana, potatoes and sprou...
An Indian soup of Paneer goli dal shobra, it is healthy and tasty. ...
Green peas and paneer dal is a north Indian based dish consisting of paneer and green pea...
Paneer nargisi kofta is snack recipe. It is very delicious and can be served with any chu...
Corn and Cheese with Saffron Sauce is an exotic dish made with corn and paneer in a flavo...
Khoya Mutter Paneer is a deliciously rich Indian recipe which tastes great with both roti...
Malai Paneer is very quick to make compared to other Paneer dishes and it's rich look & creamy texture will win you some brownie points with your guests.
Paneer is the most common fresh cheese used in Indian cuisine. It is also called “Chena” in Eastern India. Paneer is vegetarian’s heaven as it is enriched with proteins. It is the most versatile ingredient. Dishes with paneer can be made in various ways, fry or gravy, snacks or a filling. Sweets are incomplete without it. PaneerRead More..
About Recipe
Paneer is the most common fresh cheese used in Indian cuisine. It is also called “Chena” in Eastern India. Paneer is vegetarian’s heaven as it is enriched with proteins. It is the most versatile ingredient. Dishes with paneer can be made in various ways, fry or gravy, snacks or a filling. Sweets are incomplete without it. Paneer can be fit anywhere in a dish and make it delicious.
Paneer is easier than other cheese to make at home. It needs only a few hours for all process and only two ingredients- To make delicious paneer boil milk and an acid (lemon juice or vinegar) is added, add resulting into lumps and greenish whey are separated. Paneer is simply pressed into a cube and then sliced or chopped or grated.
Paneer can be combined with almost every veggie like peas, spinach, tomato, potato capsicum, etc. Some common paneer dishes: Matar Paneer, Palak Paneer, Shahi Paneer, Paneer Tikka, Paneer Pakora, Stuffed Paneer paratha, Rasogulla
In nowadays, most of the international restaurant in India also have paneer as one of the flavors in wraps, pizza topping or in sandwiches.
veenapallavi purushotham Posted on Tue Jan 26 2016
hmmm yummy this weekend is ready only ur dishes mam i got very good compliment from my husband, loads of thanks to u mam?
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