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Mint and Masoor Tikki Whole masoor has been combined with bread crumbs, paneer and flavoured with loads of mint. A minty fresh delight! Mint is a popular herb used extensively in Indian cooking. It contains plenty of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, carotene, folic acid, vitamin C, all of which are essential for the body.
Lentils and split peas are lower in fat and high in fiber and protein, and they've the additional benefit of cooking quickly. There are actually numerous quality recipes wherein the lentils are used in several types: fresh, dried, whole, split, skinned, sprouted, ground etc. Lentils are sometimes added in soups, savory porridges or stews.
The masoor dal or black peas are very small in form and tastes superior when cooked. T... Read More..
About Recipe
Misur pappu pakodi, Lentil , Masoor samuka |
Lentils and split peas are lower in fat and high in fiber and protein, and they've the additional benefit of cooking quickly. There are actually numerous quality recipes wherein the lentils are used in several types: fresh, dried, whole, split, skinned, sprouted, ground etc. Lentils are sometimes added in soups, savory porridges or stews.
The masoor dal or black peas are very small in form and tastes superior when cooked. These lentils are a staple and stored for the entire year. It's later used for making several versions for preparing curries. Masoor dal or the red lentils is another dal dish that's made in all Indian homes. It gets cooked really quick and does not take too much time just like the other dals such as tuar dal or the chana dal.
Masoor Dal is a traditional Indian red lentil soup. Lentils are a day-to-day staple all over India, a particularly vital staple for all those regions that enjoy primarily vegetarian diet. Some wonderful and yummy recipes made using masoor dal are whole lentil curry, dal and eggs, monika dal, pachratni dal, masoor rice, and so on. Masoor dal can be cooked within the combination of several other veggies for example beans, cauliflower, green peas, etc. You can also make tasty and healthy khichdi recipe with the help of masoor dal, rice and spices.
Whole masoor dal does not basically look much attractive like the split masoor dal as it has a slightly dirty brown color however, if made seems incredibly super delicious. Sprouted whole masoor dal in valued for its nutritional benefits as it's full of iron and proteins. One of the benefits is it can be eaten with basmati rice or tawa roti, paratha
These small legumes are extremely healthy and carry many health benefits. Lentils are loaded with proteins plus they satisfy a major part of the protein requirements in the body. If you're a vegetarian and are also worried about your protein intake, you can ideally include lentils in your regular diet because they provide the 3rd highest amount of proteins from plant-based foods, after soybeans and almond. Lentils are incredibly rich in soluble fiber, which forms a gel-like substance in the digestive system, therefore supporting in getting rid of bile from your body. It further helps in removing and cutting down blood cholesterol levels.
Masoor Dal is lower in fat & cholesterol, rich in dietary fiber and rich in protein, iron and fiber, which makes them a fantastic heart healthy food option with established health advantages. The high protein (25%) content is good for vegetarian diets or diets which don't contain much meat. It's also full of carbs whilst being virtually fat-free.
jkesar13 Posted on Fri Apr 24 2015
It looks amazing.. My to do list for cooking is increasing day by day ?????
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Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Thu Feb 12 2015
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