Fig dessert or anjeer ka halwa also known as anjeer ka meetha is a tasty and quick desser...
Chenna Jhili recipe is a very popular Orissa dessert. It is a very tasty and moreover it ...
Quick Mango Fool is a simple dessert that can be made in minutes. Fresh mangoes are puree...
A delicious sago dish that you can serve anytime of the day for everybody. This simple an...
An excellent amalgamation of pumpkin halwa with apple sauce that pricks your taste buds w...
A pure vegetarian and low calorie dessert which smells heavenly and tastes divine. It has...
This is a very simple sweet especially for NRIs where khoya is not available easily
I tried this recipe to offer a barfi without using Khoya, as khoya is not available in our place.This is very simple recpes and tastes very similar to chocolate barfi we get in Inida
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