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Sabudana (Sago) based dishes are very popular in Maharashtra for breakfast and during fasting times. It is used to prepare Kichidi Sabudana upma is a simple yet delicious dish speically made during fasts - sago cooked with potatoes and crushed peanuts.
Sabudana also was known as Pearl tapioca or Sago is used to make Sabudana Khichdi normally eaten throughout the fast, that individuals usually do for some special occasion. like Navratri, Shivratri and lots of this kind of occasion when folks fast.
Sabudana khichdi is additionally one of the street food in several major towns like Mumbai, Pune, Indore, Bhopal, and Nagpur.
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About Recipe
Saggu biyyam upma, Javvarisi uppma, Saboo uppma |
Sabudana also was known as Pearl tapioca or Sago is used to make Sabudana Khichdi normally eaten throughout the fast, that individuals usually do for some special occasion. like Navratri, Shivratri and lots of this kind of occasion when folks fast.
Sabudana khichdi is additionally one of the street food in several major towns like Mumbai, Pune, Indore, Bhopal, and Nagpur.
Sabudana khichdi is preferred for an evening snack, breakfast and brunch and another pot fasting meal for many Indian festivals. It is usually preparing in 15-20 minutes using the soaked sabudana.
Most of us think the fasting foods would be the most delicious even though they are made with limited ingredients, despite the fact that everyone knows it's not the meager ingredients that make the food delightful tasting it's the way the ingredients are cooked and seasoned that matters most in connection with this. sabudana or sago pearls is certainly one ingredient that is tasteless. odorless and sticky when cooked. No simple ingredient also cooks if you're a new experimental cook but responds perfectly once you learn it well.
Both Sago and Sabudana looks quite similar and can be used as an alternative to each other. It appears it various shapes from small, medium too large. Even though Sago ought to be soaked for a couple of hours prior to cook, Sabudana doesn’t require just as much soaking. Just washing Sabudana with water once or twice adds moisture so it helps it to fluff in size, thereby maintaining it dry and non-sticky.
Nutrition Value:
Sago or Sabudana is lower in fat. but exactly, however, don't have a lot of nutritional value. Sabudana is starch and it is regarded as a source of carbs and therefore ate as food during fasts. People usually combine it with ground nuts and dairy to boost its nutrition value.
AvishCar18 Posted on Fri Jun 12 2009
Sanjay SIr.....where is the HD version of this video....???? Well this is my favourite dish on the day I fast. But this is just a casual dish. Looks good and yummy....Thanks!
Reply 0 - RepliesHarini Sabnis Posted on Fri Jun 12 2009
y r u so glad to post the first comment....
Reply 0 - RepliesHarini Sabnis Posted on Fri Jun 12 2009
its the same as poha recipe... only instead of poha add sabudana....
Reply 0 - RepliesjaemonxD Posted on Fri Jun 12 2009
Thanks Sanjay and wife team :) one small tip: you can put a link of the recipe on the left description, it will help those trying to find the recipe after this video becomes old. Sometimes it gets difficult to find them on the website later :) Tha
Reply 0 - RepliesEla Toabsi Posted on Sat Jun 13 2009
I just visited your website. You really have an amazing, well-rounded recipe archive. Your talent humbles me. I've already learned some new things. How exciting! Thank you again for sharing your hard work and talents.
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jaanash Posted on Fri Jun 12 2009
glad to post 1st cumment thnak you sanjay!!!!
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