Gongura Prawns also popularly known as gongura royyala kura is a winner and exotic dish f...
Pot stickers are all time favorites for many and this airfryed version is is really aweso...
Pulihora are made with variety of flavors with rice, this is one such pulihora made with ...
An excellent and delicious Rajasthani vegetarian dish made with besan flour; dumplings co...
Shrimp Mustard sauce or Mustard prawns is a very flavourful dish. Prawns cooked in a spic...
A classic dal recipe with white brinjal cooked in boiled dal. This sour dal is a mouth-fr...
Sajalu pesarapapu sangati is a healthy recipe which helps you maintain and fulfill the total nutrition requirements of your family.
About Recipe
samatha Posted on Sat Dec 15 2018
I love to eat Ragi Sankati recipe. But Here I found Pesara Sagati I never tried this, I will try it by today. thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes with us.
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