Kaju Matar Usal is an excellent dish cooked in Maharashtrian style - Cashew nuts cooked w...
Mix vegetable korma is south indian dish, it is a aromatic and spicy curry, made with mix...
Chicken lettuce wraps are a popular item on restaurant menus and it can be easily prepare...
Handi Sabzi tastes amazingly delicious and pairs as an excellent combination to serve wit...
Colocasia Lotus flax nuts curry is a delicious combination of 2 healthy vegetables (i.,e...
This is a non vegetarian snack recipe. The chicken bread is one of favourite braided and ...
Snake gourd and chana dal curry is a simple south Indian side dish. Snake gourd and channa dal (lentil) seasoned with aromatic Indian spices.
Chana dal is often cooked with lauki or bottle gourd in India. In this version, I have used snake gourd, equally delicious! It is very simple to make and goes well with rice or rotis.
Chana dal is amongst the well-known lentils used in making a number of dishes in the Indian delicacies. They're also known as Bengal gram or split desi peas. Chana dal is appreciated primarily due to its fantastic flavor and it is used in making many different salads, curries, snacks etc. The dal is rich and very yummy after cooking. the legumes are also roasted and powdered into flour (besan). Besan could be involved in making many different... Read More..
About Recipe
Potla Kaya koora, Podalankai Pudalai Kuzhambu, Chichinga Chin Chinga torkari |
Chana dal is amongst the well-known lentils used in making a number of dishes in the Indian delicacies. They're also known as Bengal gram or split desi peas. Chana dal is appreciated primarily due to its fantastic flavor and it is used in making many different salads, curries, snacks etc. The dal is rich and very yummy after cooking. the legumes are also roasted and powdered into flour (besan). Besan could be involved in making many different sweet delicacies.
Health Benefit:
Chana dal is incredibly yummy in taste, packed with nutrition and can be digested very easily. Chana dal is lower in fat, full of fiber that helps in lower cholesterol. Additionally, it includes a very low glycemic index, which is very important to people with diabetes, and ideal supply of calcium, proteins, folate and zinc.