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Banana bread is a type of quick bread that contains mashed ripe bananas.
Banana bread is a breakfast dish or dessert made with ripened mashed bananas, all-purpose flour, baking powder and other ingredients. Banana bread is an oven baked bread or cake, moistened and flavored with bananas and fantastic. Banana bread can be made in many variations to make it healthier and nutrient. Banana bread is among the favorite vegetarian dishes for the vegetarian cake lovers as you can prepare this dish without eggs. Banana brea... Read More..
About Recipe
Banana bread is a breakfast dish or dessert made with ripened mashed bananas, all-purpose flour, baking powder and other ingredients. Banana bread is an oven baked bread or cake, moistened and flavored with bananas and fantastic. Banana bread can be made in many variations to make it healthier and nutrient. Banana bread is among the favorite vegetarian dishes for the vegetarian cake lovers as you can prepare this dish without eggs. Banana bread is usually moist, sweet, cake-like bread which generally uses baking soda as leavening agent rather than yeast; however, there are several banana bread recipes which are traditional-style yeast breads.
Popular variations of vegan banana bread:
Bananas are a great, low-fat, cholesterol-free method to obtain fibers, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese. The quantity of potassium and dietary fiber in bananas can help in overcome atherosclerosis, or perhaps the hardening of arteries that can cause cardiac problems. Potassium helps as well in lower blood pressure. Butter is full of calcium and vitamin D but high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
John Strabismus Posted on Mon Nov 08 2010
@simhelado It IS easy. I make banana bread often, though I add nuts to mine.
Reply 0 - RepliesHellokitty5480 Posted on Mon Nov 22 2010
I love to make mines with walnuts... :P YUM!!
Reply 0 - RepliesAxel Sierra Posted on Sun Jan 02 2011
Which are the quantities? didn't understand your english!!
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Kelly McAleese Posted on Thu Nov 04 2010
@sweetnssssssssssss Hm...interesting..
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