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A natural healthy drink made with a blend of coconut water and coconut meat. Combining with banana it form a refreshing drink.
This is an awesome naturally sweet drink that combines the goodness of coconut and milk making this a high energy drink perfect for summer tropical holidays.
Healthy & Nutrition Milk shake made with banana and tender coconut. Banana & Tender Coconut Milk i... Read More..
About Recipe
Healthy & Nutrition Milk shake made with banana and tender coconut. Banana & Tender Coconut Milk is a natural healthy drink made with a blend of coconut water and coconut meat mixed together combined with banana making a very refreshing and silky drink.
Ripe banana are sweet to taste, creamy, soft and refreshing to eat. It contains high concentration of dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and antioxidant compounds. This silky creamy milk drink is nature’s own energy rich beverage that comes packed with numerous vitamins and minerals. It is one of the most cheapest and readily available fruits round the year and easy to prepare. Coconut water, milk or meat is very refreshing and when made into a fresh creamy drink is extremely soothing to the palate to beat the summer thirst. The banana & tender coconut milk drink is power packed with simple sugars, vitamins, electrolytes, minerals that quickly replenishes dehydration conditions inside your body. Do try and enjoy this traditional and highly delectable drink along with your kids and family.
So next time you want to quench your thirst, do try this wonderful recipe giving new variations and twist in taste. Do look out for your favorite and many more yummy, appetizing and exotic recipes at: You could always reach me at my below links:
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Enjoy cooking and eating healthy foods to stay hale and hearty. Always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
Rashmi BN Posted on Tue Mar 08 2016
mam can u plz share d recipe of tender coconut pudding?
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Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Wed Apr 08 2015
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