Oats and Strawberry Pudding is super easy recipe which is not only easy to make but delic...
Seethaphal Rabidi is a traditional indian dessert made with seasonal fresh custard. ...
Sweet potato halwa or shakarkandi halwa is an easy and quick dessert you can make for any...
This Gajar ka Halwa Cake (Indian Carrot Cake) is made with ghee, pistachios, cashews, gol...
Bottle gourd burfi or Lauki ki Lauj can be prepared on festivals or eaten as a fruit diet...
Chenna Jhili recipe is a very popular Orissa dessert. It is a very tasty and moreover it ...
A perfect blend of fresh papaya and beetroot makes this unique sweet recipe exceptionally delicious and appealing with its looks.
It's also a good source of feeding your loved ones in the best way possible as few don't prefer to have raw beetroot.
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