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Gram flour or besan roasted with ghee in a kadhai, flavored with sugar and cardamom and shaped into tight round balls. Decorated with almonds and pistachios. Besan ka ladoo is an Indian dessert usually made during festive times. Learn the recipe of Besan Ladoo by vahchef.
Besan ke laddus are really easy to make and a healthy sweet made all over the India.
About Recipe
Senaga Pindi Chenaga Pindi methai, Kadalamaavu inippu, Baeshun Misti |
vahuser Posted on Sun Dec 27 2009
Hello, I made this Besan Laddu recipe following the exact amounts given, but after everthing was finished the laddu batter was still very liquid. So liquid that I couldn't even roll it into balls. Please correct the amount of gram flour, so the batt
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