Mangalore (Kundapur) Chicken Curry is one of the versatile coastal curries, which goes ve...
Coriander chicken is prepared with chicken pieces delicately cooked combined with the fre...
This biryani is slightly different from the usual method, the chicken is first fried and...
Chicken 65 is a spicy, red, deep fried chicken chunks usually served as a bar snack, entr...
Soya sauce chicken is a northern Chinese dish. It is made of chicken that is cooked with ...
The sandwich is a quick snack made of boiled chicken pieces mixed with yummy mayonnaise s...
Yay, chicken fajitas! So easy to make, and so quick. Learn the recipe of Chicken Fajita by vahchef.
Marinating chicken and peppers and onions in a highly flavored marinade and then grilling gives it all the flavor without fat.
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