This popular mint chutney can be prepared by using fresh mint leaves along with coriander...
This is a delicious chutney that you can quickly make to add to the main meal course as a...
It’s a simple and quick cauliflower recipe. Cauliflower dipped in all purpose flour and r...
Pachi Pulusu is an unheated version of the pulusu which is a type of curry-like stew from...
Capsicum chutney is a very simple and nice variation to regular chutney varieties. Slow s...
A traditional Karnataka sweet that is prepared on special occasions and religious festiva...
Appalu are usually about palm sized, thick discs and so don't press. Though traditionally appalu are deep fried, they can also be shallow fried.
About Recipe
shree mk Posted on Wed Sep 23 2015
How many times ll u repeat daliya !!!!!!!!!?
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