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Dry fish brinjal curry is popular in Andhra Pradesh. A combo veg dish usually served with rice and roti.
Dry fish brinjal curry is a popular in Andhra Pradesh served with rice and roti. Dry Fish Brinjal curry is a very popular dish prepared in the coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh. This dish is served wi... Read More..
About Recipe
Vankaya Sannvankaya koora, Kathirikai Kuzhambu, Begun torkari |
Dry fish brinjal curry is a popular in Andhra Pradesh served with rice and roti. Dry Fish Brinjal curry is a very popular dish prepared in the coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh. This dish is served with rice or roti. This is an extremely delicious curry preparation where dry fish pieces are cooked with brinjal in onion tomato gravy. They blend well and is slightly spicy to eat. This curry preparation is easy to prepare and is not a dry curry dish. The juices from the tomatoes, brinjal mixed with spices and fresh herbs infuses its flavors into the dry fish making its highly delectable to eat. Often people avoid or don’t like cooking dry fish as it smells heavy. But the ultimate product is truly worth eating and enjoying.
Dry fish is a popular delicacy along the coastal areas across the country. It is completely a natural product that naturally retains the antioxidant and omega 3 benefits of fresh fish. Fish is highly nutritious and constitutes numerous nutritional benefits. Brinjal is another amazing vegetable that is versatile and blends well with other veggies, non-veg foods and spices.
They nicely amalgamate with other ingredients thus making the dish divine to eat. They are also packed with various nutritional benefits and is cholesterol free. If you are fond of eating dry fish, this makes an excellent combination of ingredients cooking dry fish. Do try this wonderful and aromatic recipe and delight your palate with its zest. Eat fresh and healthy foods always to stay healthy and fit.
Do try preparing different types of fresh dishes.
To try more delicious and favorite recipe of yours, do click on: www.vahrehvah.com.
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Enjoy Cooking and always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
Sahana Shetty Posted on Fri Jan 15 2016
I am huge fan of dry fish recipes. Definitely gonna try this. The gentleman above is begging you to work on ur English bt let me tell you...your English is easily understandable. Don't b discouraged :)?
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Sirigineedi Rajesh Posted on Sat Jan 09 2016
Pls work on your English!!!!?
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