Prawn Biryani is a traditional Indian dish prepared by layering spices, shrimp/ prawn, ar...
Street food biryani fried rice is simple to make within no time and delicious in taste to...
Pineapple raw banana pulav is a sweet and spicy rice recipe to try. It have unique flavor...
Makloubeh is an upside-down delicious Middle Eastern rice dish....
Coconut Rice is a traditional rice preparation of south India. Cooked/ steamed rice added...
Tomato rice is a very delicious and simple to prepare recipe. Pureed tomatoes are sauteed...
Green leaves pulao is a flavorful pulao, easy to make, instant rice dish to serve with onion raita for lunch or dinner.
A very aromatic rice with four green leaves- dill, coriander, mint and curry leaves. I feel it has all the Indian herbs from the North to South of India.
About Recipe
Biyyam, Pachaarisi, Atap chawal |