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Sakkarai Pongal is a delicious sweetened rice dish made with the addition of jaggery and flavored with cardamom.Sakkarai Pongal is most often made along with Ven Pongal for the Pongal festival.
Pongal is a well-liked rice dish in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Sri Lanka. In Tamil the basis "pong" or in Telugu "pongu" means to " boil over" or "pour over".
The biggest part of the Pongal festival on the Surya Pongal day is preparing the Pongal dish. A sweet form of Pongal known as "Sakkarai pongal is produced with rice combined with moong dal and cooked with ghee, raisins and cashewnuts including jaggery. Customar... Read More..
About Recipe
Tandool methai, Pachaarisi inippu, CHAWAL Misti |
Pongal is a well-liked rice dish in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Sri Lanka. In Tamil the basis "pong" or in Telugu "pongu" means to " boil over" or "pour over".
The biggest part of the Pongal festival on the Surya Pongal day is preparing the Pongal dish. A sweet form of Pongal known as "Sakkarai pongal is produced with rice combined with moong dal and cooked with ghee, raisins and cashewnuts including jaggery. Customarily, pongal is cooked in clay pots, on stoves constructed with stones and wood utilized as fuel. Once it heats up and begins to boil over, all people shouts out "pongalo pongal". This indicates plenty and success for the year onward. The dish is first offered to Sun and after that given to people
Pongal is made from white rice (usually ponni raw rice and even sona masuri). To consider a healthy lifestyle, you may use brown rice alternatively. Traditionally rice and daal are cooked initially. Then ghee is heated, to fry cumin, pepper, ginger and cashews, and that is added to the cooked rice. You can do it in either case. Also whole peppercorns can be used for pongal.
Varieties of Pongal:
There are two types of pongal, Chakkara or sakkarai Pongal that is a sugary, and Venn Pongal, made from clarified butter. The term khara pongal commonly identifies spicy pongal, and is a very common breakfast meal in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. The rice boiled with milk and jaggery while in the Pongal festival is known as Chakkara pongal.
Khara pongal also is a healthy breakfast on hectic morning and come quite convenient as an easy option. All it requires is pressure cooking rice and dals and flavoring with delicious spices like cumin and pepper.
Jai Girish Posted on Fri Jul 01 2016
Your receips are superb i make every day 1 rdcepe . My husband aded 2 kilo wt ok.?
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