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Tender tamarind leaves is known as Chinta kaya in Andhra Pradesh and the combination of s...
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Tender tamarind leaves is known as Chinta kaya in Andhra Pradesh and the combination of sambar prepared with raw papaya and tender tamarind is a delicious and tasty.
Sambar is primarily originated from South Indian kitchens which is also popular in Sri Lankan delicacies which is made from lentils (also called red gram or toor dal) and, veggies, tamarind. and also the key ingredient that is essential in making sambar recipe is sambar powder (podi). This sambar powder is easily available in all Indian shops nowadays; Sambar powder can be made in the home also. The powder is made from some spices... Read More..
About Recipe
Boppayi pandu pulusu, Papalli kulambu, Pepe thok |
Sambar is primarily originated from South Indian kitchens which is also popular in Sri Lankan delicacies which is made from lentils (also called red gram or toor dal) and, veggies, tamarind. and also the key ingredient that is essential in making sambar recipe is sambar powder (podi). This sambar powder is easily available in all Indian shops nowadays; Sambar powder can be made in the home also. The powder is made from some spices and cereals that are dry roasted and grounded right into a powder.
Sambar can be prepared in a number of ways and it is adapted diversely in several states of south India.
Sambar recipe is actually a variation of dal recipe in which the dal is combined with different varieties of veggies like drumsticks, lady's finger (okra), bottle gourd, carrots, pumpkin, radish, brinjal (eggplant) etc. Also adding onions and tomatoes together with tamarind pulp to offer some tangy taste to the recipe.
Sambar with rice has become the main courses of both formal and daily south Indian food. Also, it is offered with idli, dosa and vada. It's not at all unusual to enjoy sambar rice with appalam