Sakkarai Pongal is a delicious sweetened rice dish made with the addition of jaggery and ...
Pineapple raw banana pulav is a sweet and spicy rice recipe to try. It have unique flavor...
Adas Polow, a delicious rice layered with lentils. It's a great rice dish to prepare when...
Chicken biryani cooked in the pukhi style of cooking the rice and chicken separately and ...
Sambar rice is one of the common main course meal of South India. Especially it is a popu...
Dalimbi Bhat is a traditional, very delicious Maharashtrian delicacy made with field bean...
Rice upma is a very popular breakfast item in most of the south Indian homes especially in the state Tamil Nadu. It is commonly known as Arisi.
Rice upma is a healthy dish made with grinded rice and then flavored with a simple tempering.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Mon Mar 26 2012
Hi! I am in Egypt and Indian. I am so happy to follow your recipes all are very successfull but I would like to know how to make Rice flour roti, I do not like channa dal so can I use chicken or mug dal? In cooking I am zero but with your help I can
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