Qubooli Biryani is an awesome and exotic dish prepared delicately with fragrant basmati r...
A very healthy dal with three kinds of dal’s with lots of proteins and vitamins. Best eat...
Cluster beans moong dal curry is a delicious Indian recipe served as a side dish. Beans m...
Tadka Dal With Capsicum Bell Pepper is the most delicious and flavourful delicacy to have...
Urad Dal Laddu also known as sunni undalu is a very popular recipe of South India. ...
A traditional Maharashtrian/ Konkan dish made with ridge gourd and channa dal cooked in s...
It is a sweet pudding made with roasted chana dal cooked in coconut milk and sweetened with jaggery. This creamy and delicious sweet.
About Recipe
methai, inippu, Misti |
Kajol Deonarian Posted on Sat Jul 18 2015
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