Fruitcake is a cake made with chopped dried fruit, nuts, and spices. It is a heavy, dense...
Kala Jamun, a dark brown color jamuns coated with desiccated coconut powder is a variatio...
This mango smoothie is super creamy, where mango, milk, yogurt, and sugar is placed in b...
Red Velvet Cupcakes are so striking with their brilliantly red color, Fluffy, moist, but...
These sweet wontons originate from the Cantonese region, and traditionally stuffed with d...
Besan laddoos are rich, sweet dessert-snack made from gently roasted gram flour (besan) s...
This is a splendid cake. I have eaten almond cakes, but this one is special. Learn the recipe of Almond Cake by vahchef.
This cake is moist and creamy. At the same time, you can taste and smell of almond. Suitable for tea time & parties.
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