Mushroom and baby corn pulao is the one of the easiest meal and can be packed for lunch b...
Is kedgeree the breakfast of kings or is eating fish before lunchtime a bit too 19th cent...
Aloo Chicken Biryani tastes amazingly delicious and if it's made in the unique style of K...
Schezwan Fried Rice is an Indo Chinese dish which is very easy and quick to prepare at ho...
Tindora & Methi Leaves Fried Rice tastes amazingly delicious with aromatic flavors of met...
This is a kid special lunch box recipe, prepared with tomato, spicy beans, fried eggplant...
Sabudana is popularly known as sago or Tapioca. Biryani with baby potatoes, are spicy and flavourful.
About Recipe
Saggubiyyam Sabbu Beeyam annam, ?Javvarisi sooru, Sabu chal |