Pesarattu is a pancake made with Moong dal (green gram), made into dumpling and cooked in...
Dal pakwan can be had for breakfast or snack which is easy to prepare. This can be had wi...
Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast with Yellow Gravy Curry popularly known as khoya chic...
It is a great dish in summer barbeque parties and dinner parties usually served as a snac...
Lauki katti dal is a very simple lentil preparation slightly tangy; bottle gourd cooked w...
Mutton Ghee Roast, the Mangalorean delicacy cooked with lamb meat spiced with masala grou...
Brinjal in shahi gravy, Brinjal curry with groundnut gravy is one of the versions of gutti vankaya with a perfect blend of masala spices.
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