Bheja fry is a classic recipe made with goat brain and freshly grounded masala spices enh...
Spaghetti with meatballs is an Italian-American dish that usually consists of spaghetti, ...
Mutton fry is a delicious side dish recipe made using mutton pieces will be a perfect com...
Liver masala is a nice dry dish and a popular dish in dhabas and restaurants especially t...
Meatballs are made with ground lamb, onions, egg, and bread crumbs, browned in a skillet,...
Traditionally shami kebabs are made using spices minced meat and chickpeas and are cooked...
Gustaba is one of the best of meat balls recipe. Gustaba is one of the most popular non-vegetarian Kashmiri recipe.
This Kashmiri Gustaba is light and can be taken with naan or plain rice....
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