Sweet Semolina Poori is an Indian sweet. ...
Moong Dal Sambar or Pesara Pappu sambar is a very comforting and delicious homemade heali...
Bread upma is easy to prepare and instant healthy dish mostly preferred for breakfast, K...
This dish doesn't have a gravy and threrefore should be served with naan and not over ri...
Chicken Manchurian with green chilies is a delicious Chinese recipe served as a starter o...
Mozzarella sticks are coated in a simple batter and quickly deep fried to golden perfecti...
This is one of the popular snack. It is a baked dish made with cooked keema and spices. It is a healthy and delicious snack.
About Recipe
Mamsamu vepudu, Attiraichi varuval, Vera mangso Bhaja |