Soya sauce fish curry is exceptionally full of flavors and tasty to enjoy at any time to ...
Delicious bitter melon curry to serve as a main dish flavoured with coconut, tamarind and...
This is one of the simple & very easy to make cookies that makes a perfect gift for your...
Idiyappam is a popular string hoppers culinary speciality from the south Indian cuisine e...
Teeka Chutney is made with a nice mix of roasted peanuts, sesame seeds, coconut powder, c...
Korralu chakara pongal is a quick dessert or Indian sweet recipe. This sweet dish is pre...
This is taste snack recipe prepared with aroma of that particular pita bread stuffed with falafel. In Arabic the word hummus is used to describe a dish or a dip made of ground chickpeas, tahini (sesame seed paste), lemon juice, and garlic, and often olive oil.
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