Dal pakwan can be had for breakfast or snack which is easy to prepare. This can be had wi...
A simple yet impressive sambar recipe made using eggs, yellow lentils, vegetables and Tam...
Pumpkin Coconut curry is an amazing dish; pumpkin cooked in a yummy fresh grated coconut,...
Beetroot and spinach is a simple and delicious dish popularly made in the South Indian cu...
It is a great dish in summer barbeque parties and dinner parties usually served as a snac...
Garlic Sesame Seeds curry is a must try delicacy which is both healthy and tasty. This cu...
This is a curry recipe prepared with pumpkin and coconut milk and can be served with rice, roti.
About Recipe
Gummadi kayi koora, Purangikkai Kuzhambu, Kumra torkari |
Vividha Posted on Mon Aug 03 2015
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