A spicy and sour healthy pickle to tickle your taste buds for a moment....
Tortillas is thin flatbread made from finely ground all purpose flour or wheat flour. ...
Idiyappam is a traditional South Indian breakfast or evening dish, especially in Tamil N...
Nachos are a Tex Mex dish from northern Mexico. The dish is composed of tortilla chips co...
Aloo makhana curry is a yummy North Indian style gravy recipe prepared using Phool makhan...
Paratha is a popular breakfast bread from Punjab. 3 layered curd paratha reduce the amoun...
This is a popular Sindhi breakfast and also a popular and easy way to make use of leftover rotis (or phulkas or chapatis or even bread).
About Recipe
Punam Rozario Posted on Fri Mar 18 2016
thanks for the receipe just tried to cuk n it' was Awesum....?
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