Bottle gourd flat bread is brilliant Indian flat bread made with grated Lauki/ Kaddu/ bo...
A mouth watering sweet recipe which is specially made for fasting as well as during festi...
A luscious and gorgeous masala spiced beetroot lassi is easy to make and tastes delicious...
This is a Jammu and Kashmir recipe. This is the healthy, easy, delicious and gourmet reci...
Aloo Chicken Biryani tastes amazingly delicious and if it's made in the unique style of K...
Dabba Gosht is an Eid recipe you must have in your family feast. Baked dabba gosht with m...
This is a really simple to prepare and very tasty snack recipe, made with cashew nuts.Moreover adding fresh mint leaves to this pakoda gives an extra flavour to it.
About Recipe
Jeedi pappu pakodi, Cashewnuts , Hijli Badam samuka |
ravi Posted on Tue Dec 02 2014
thank you very much chef to providing Telugu videos ?
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Davilyn Posted on Sat Jan 26 2019
This was delicious. I made a few changes. I make the cashews into flour, omitted the oil. Substituted asafetida and galangal for garlic paste as I am Jain. Used whey as the liquid. These are additive.
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