Aloo Chicken Biryani tastes amazingly delicious and if it's made in the unique style of K...
A perfect one pot yogurt flavored South Indian rice dish tempered with spices. This recip...
Prawn fried rice is a great dish which will sure impress your friends and family. Prawn f...
Sambar rice is one of the common main course meal of South India. Especially it is a popu...
It is a tempting south Indian dish prepared by adding lemon juice while stir frying steam...
Sakkarai Pongal is a delicious sweetened rice dish made with the addition of jaggery and ...
Delicious Hyderabadi Dum Biryani is a world-famous dish from India, native to Hyderabad.
In Indian cuisines, biryani is one of the jewels of a dish popular through the whole world. Flavors and the perfect blend of spices remarks its place in the person mind and makes a special corner for it in his favorites list.
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About Recipe
In Indian cuisines, biryani is one of the jewels of a dish popular through the whole world. Flavors and the perfect blend of spices remarks its place in the person mind and makes a special corner for it in his favorites list.