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Kadai gosht mutton is a popular cuisine around Pakistan. This recipe has an authentic taste and quite popular in wedding menu.
Mutton Curry is a wonderful meat curry, yummy, possessing exceptional tastes of their own, not very spicy. This curry has a superb blend of whole spices included into the curry infusing the gravy with its quality in to the mutton in addition to few others spices included into. The curry is also added in with little vinegar and tamarind juice to make sure that it held up for few days.
Mutton curry is an Indian curry recipe that's... Read More..
About Recipe
Mutton Curry is a wonderful meat curry, yummy, possessing exceptional tastes of their own, not very spicy. This curry has a superb blend of whole spices included into the curry infusing the gravy with its quality in to the mutton in addition to few others spices included into. The curry is also added in with little vinegar and tamarind juice to make sure that it held up for few days.
Mutton curry is an Indian curry recipe that's prepared from mutton and veggies and came from Bengali cuisine. Key ingredients of mutton curry consist of mutton, onion, tomato and spices.
Mutton curry was initially prepared, heated with a fire in a large pot. Now, it may be cooked utilizing pressure cookers and crock pots. Mutton curry can be offered with rice.
Tips for Cooking Mutton:
Roasted Mutton Curry, mutton rich in gravy of hot and spicy mince, soaked with exceptional spices.
Zaid Ahmed Posted on Mon Jul 21 2014
Thank you Chef for the recipe. I tried it out and it came out very well. ?
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Avril Charleton Posted on Sun Apr 01 2018
Made this last night for the first time. Wonderful - even the husband who is not keen on Indian food said he would be pleased to have that if I made it again, which I will of course
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