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Masala stuffed Okra or Crispy Masala Bhindi/ Okra is a very appetizing and alluring side-dish to eat that goes well with sambar rice or curd rice. Tender Okras are slit and stuffed with a amalgamation of amazing aromatic spicy and tangy spices, air fried for just for 7 to 8 minutes until cooked and crisp.
Masala stuffed Okra or Crispy Masala Bhindi/ Okra is a very appetizing and alluring side-dish to eat that goes well with sambar rice or curd rice. Tender Okras are slit and stuff... Read More..
About Recipe
Benda Kayi vepudu, Vendakai Vendai varuval, Dherasa Bhindi Bhaja |
Masala stuffed Okra or Crispy Masala Bhindi/ Okra is a very appetizing and alluring side-dish to eat that goes well with sambar rice or curd rice. Tender Okras are slit and stuffed with a amalgamation of amazing aromatic spicy and tangy spices, air fried for just for 7 to 8 minutes until cooked and crisp.
This is a very easy to prepare dish, fat free and absolutely a finger-licking dish. Right mix of spices like chilli pd, coriander pd, cumin pd, chaat masala, salt to taste, very little oil, haldi pd and drizzle of lemon juice can just make wonders infused into the Okra making it a very delectable dish to taste.
Traditionally this type of dish which is popularly known as Bharwan Bhindi is prepared in the northern states of India especially Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra etc where the masala stuffed okras are deep fried and served. Nowadays, the craze of eating fat-free foods is catching up mainly for varied health reasons.
For those people who are conscious about their weight, health and overall nutrition, this is the best method of preparing the Masala stuffed okra and serving your family. A slight change in the method of cooking can do wonders for maintaining a fit and healthy body. Okra is a very versatile vegetable that is added into making various types of dishes.
It is added to stews, stir-fries, raitas etc. It is one of the most popular vegetables among West Asians, North Indians and Pakistanis alike. In most of West Asia, okra is known as bamia or bamya. In India and Pakistan, chopped pieces of okra are stir fried with spices known as the okra fry, pickled, salted or added to gravy-based preparations.
In western parts of India (Gujarat, Maharashtra), okra is often stir-fried with some sugar. Okra is also used in Kadhi (mixed in yogurt). The ladies finger is used to make sambar in Udupi cuisine. In southern India, the okra is cooked in a spicy and tangy tamarind sauce commonly known as Bhendakaaya pulusu or Vendakai Kozhambu.
It’s very important to get several servings of vegetables in our diet each day. Okra offers amazing health benefits that include: ü Low in calories, ü Being a great vegetable for people trying to lose weight and being good for the digestive system, ü Contains no cholesterol or saturated fat, ü Has high fiber content, ü Along with containing high amounts of fiber, okra also contains high amounts of vitamins A, C, and B6. ü Large amounts of calcium, zinc, riboflavin, folic acid, and iron are also present in this vegetable.
Masala Stuffed Okra – Philips Airfryer Recipe:
Bhendi - 250 gms
Turmeric pwd - pinch
chilli pwd - 2 tsp
Coriander - 2 tsp
Cumin pwd - 2 tsp
Chaat masala - 1 tsp
Salt - to taste
Chickpea flour - ½ cup
Oil - 5 ml
Lime juice - 2 tsp
Do try making this recipe. You could always reach me at my website for more amazing nutritious and enticing Okra recipes at: www.vahrehvah.com
Enjoy Cooking and always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
JDS Purohit Posted on Thu Aug 28 2014
When all your cooking is going to be all about air fryer, then you are working/getting paid by this particular air fryer company. Good luck with your new venture.?
Reply 0 - Repliescurious.soul Posted on Thu Aug 28 2014
Hello Sanjay, please show us more complicated recipes like pakoda and vadas in it. I tried vadas, but it did not come out good. ?
Reply 0 - RepliesHumera Rafi Posted on Fri Aug 29 2014
Kitna promote karoge.. normal fry karo na oil se.. ?
Reply 0 - RepliesMichael Gunderson Posted on Fri Aug 29 2014
It looked very easy to use. This definitely got my attention, regarding the phillips thing.?
Reply 0 - RepliesNagarjuna P Posted on Wed Sep 03 2014
Bought an air fryer today $200. Going to use?
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SATHYAMOORTHYU Posted on Mon Jul 20 2020
You are the best Sanjay. Please keep researching on cooking Indian dishes on air fryers., and then publish a book for us to have the benefit. You will be earning the gratitude of millions of Indians all over the world.!!!!. We want you to prosper an
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