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Kara sev is a popular and easy to make Diwali snack recipe.
Kara sev is a popular and easy to make Diwali snack recipe. Kara Sev is a ver... Read More..
About Recipe
Senaga Pindi Chenaga Pindi vepudu, Kadalamaavu varuval, Baeshun Bhaja |
Kara sev is a popular and easy to make Diwali snack recipe. Kara Sev is a very popular savory snack that can be made in a jiffy. This is one of the well known dishes prepared during the Deepavali festival. Kara Sev with a hot cup of ginger tea is perfect to be had on a windy or rainy day. Kara Sev is made combining chickpea flour, rice flour adding some cooking soda, ajwain seeds (carom seeds), turmeric pd, salt and butter, mixed well together until you get a nice crumbling texture. Little water is added and mixed well to make stiff dough. A ball of dough is put into the mould (Aacha) which has a plate on holes in the bottom side. The mould is pressed and the sev are deep fried until they get golden brown in color.
But here I will be showing an interesting way of preparing the Kara Sev which is a brilliant method of cooking foods with very little oil and is healthy to eat. By air frying foods, we tend to consume very less oil, they are hassle free, can be kept on the dining table and cooked fresh, and kids can also handle without fear of oil spillage. The Kara Sev on bite is crispy and delights the palate with its delectable savory taste.
Kara Sev (Spicy sev) is one of the most loved snacks in India especially north India and can be prepared in many variations such as garlic sev, pepper sev, potato sev, onion sev etc. Chickpea is a very popular gram flour which is commonly known as besan or besan atta and this is obtained from grinding channa dal or chick peas. This is one of the most versatile flour that is used in making a variety of snacks and dishes like pakoras, pancakes, pappads, kadhi (stew) etc.
It is also used for preparing various sweet delicacies like mysore pak, burfis etc. Chickpeas offer great nutritional benefits. They are high in fibre and protein, gluten free and have a low glycemic index. Adding chickpea in your diet help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Besan atta serves as an substitute for eggs in various baked goods. Do prepare this awesome snack and enjoy cooking using air fryer to make healthy and nutritious foods.
At Vahrehvah, we offer you with a wide range of air fried snacks and appetizers that are quick and easy to prepare using very little oil, hassle free. Do try these recipes and enjoy healthy cooking. To try more easy, yummy and appetizing Air fried snack recipes, do click on: My rating: 4 stars: ★★★★☆ 1 review(s) You could always reach me at my below links:
My Cooking Videos Indian Recipes Indian Food Regional Indian Cuisines VahChef Sanjay Thumma
Enjoy Cooking and always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
Dee Thakore Posted on Fri Oct 31 2014
II'll get one too :) Let wait for black Friday to get g'd deal!! ?
Reply 0 - RepliesSuman Chatterjee Posted on Sat Nov 01 2014
Hi Sanjay, we would like you to become the real chef whome we use to learn from & not brand ambasadoor for Philips airfryer!! U r just loosing all that you earned over the years of hard work over youtube.Check out your youtube views now & com
Reply 0 - RepliesSri Sivaramakrishnan Posted on Sat Dec 06 2014
i tried this in the air fryer but its tasting raw :( what did i do wrong?
Reply 0 - RepliesReevan Raja Posted on Wed Sep 23 2015
Saying vanakkam is enoughSasstriyakal looks like troublesome but its your choice?
Reply 0 - Repliesrema ramani Posted on Fri Oct 09 2015
the rate of air fryer. chennaiyil enge kidaikkum. yr rceipes are awesome?
Reply 0 - Repliesannoo goyal Posted on Wed May 04 2016
Please share chakli video in air fryer... And i wud say ur a wonderful super chef whose videos i watch regularly... Thumps up?
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John Rambo Posted on Fri Oct 31 2014
I bought an air fryer because of your videos!?
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